Mint Tomachini
“One morning we checked our fridge to see what we had. We found Zucchini, Tomato and Mint. The rest is history. ”
― Omg Love Twins
Pesto Quiche
“We love recycling, so we went to the local thrift store to dig around for some hidden treasures. Among some kitchen things we found a small mold. When we returned home we started playing with our new toy and our Pesto Quiche was invented” -Omg Love Twins
Carobana Orange
“It started with adding coconut oil, dates and carob together. “Needs more freshness” one of us said, so we added some orange juice. “Needs more substance” another added. So we added some ripe bananas.
The rest is Rawstory.” -Omg Love Twin
Orange Water
“Water is amazing with orange, drink to your heart’s content and it’s especially best to get organic whenever possible.” -Omg Love Twins
NYC Bagel
“The Bagel is such a New York staple. One afternoon we had the odd idea to start molding our bread recipe into a doughnut shape and presto! We discovered our Bagel Recipe!”
-Omg Love Twins
Pizza Hors d’oeuvres
“All we ever seemed to see in the raw world was thin crust pizza, it was time to change the standard. Challenge accepted.”
-Omg Love Twins