Launching Raw Vegan Love Online Academy
in 3..2…1…
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Launching Raw Vegan Love Online Academy Crowdfunding Campaign
in 3…2…1… Blast off!!!
Hello there! Our Earth names are Nicolas and Jasmine and we are the creators of the Raw Vegan Love Academy! We each have our own stories about how we realized the benefits of a high-energy plant-based lifestyle, but in short, we started out eating other kinds of food and after some unique experiences (see our upcoming book), we realized how much food has an effect on how we feel.
The Journey
Because of these experiences, we started testing and experimenting with what foods give us more or less energy and focus which lead us first to vegetarian, then vegan and gluten-free, and finally, we found that fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds made us feel the best overall.
After traveling the world researching and taste-testing different raw vegan superfoods, hosting and supporting community events, and authoring different recipe books/videos eventually, we created the Raw Vegan Love Academy for sharing all the combined knowledge we accumulated over the years, offering seminars, workshops, and community events as well as teachers’ training certifications in 6 countries spanning 3 continents.
What we’re doing now!
With health and immunity becoming even more of a necessity over the last couple of years as well as the importance of having access to this knowledge from home, we decided to digitize our knowledge and launch The Raw Vegan Love Academy as an online and gamified learning platform!
Previously our Raw Vegan Love Academy was something we only did in person through live events and intensive teachers training courses, but with the fast development of online tools and teaching software, it is now possible to fully digitize the experience. We just need some time and funds to complete it.
How you can Support!
To launch this we need enough to cover our basic costs until the full launch. Aside from being Raw Food experts, we’re also web designers so we won’t need to pay anyone to build our Raw Vegan Love Academy learning platform. Minimally all we need is our basic needs covered as well as enough to pay for our website servers and hosting.
The sooner we reach our minimum, the sooner we can get started, therefore we are opening up our academy for investments starting from $100 with a 10% yearly return.
Any investment above $500 includes:
One-year subscription to our monthly newsletter
Full access to all upcoming online courses for one year.
One year of free tickets to all upcoming Digital Events
Unlimited viewings of any recordings of events for one year
One year special invitations to all VIP Group Q & A Sessions
You can support us by buying our Raw Vegan Love recipe ebook or pre-ordering an Academy subscription at a discount!
Special Pre-Order Prices
Share with your friends directly and on Social Media!
(It Really Helps!)